Class DefaultContentDeliveryConfigBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultContentDeliveryConfigBuilder

        public DefaultContentDeliveryConfigBuilder​(ProfileSet profileSet,
                                                   Registry registry,
                                                   List<FilterProvider> filterProviders)
        Private (hidden) constructor.
        profileSet - Profile set.
        registry - Container context.
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceFilterCharacteristics

        protected String getResourceFilterCharacteristics()
        Logging support function.
        Verbose characteristics string.
      • load

        protected void load​(ProfileSet profileSet)
        Build the ContentDeliveryConfigBuilder for the specified device.

        Creates the buildTable instance and populates it with the ProcessingUnit matrix for the specified device.

      • logResourceConfig

        protected void logResourceConfig​(ProfileSet profileSet)
        Print a debug log of the resource configurations for the associated profile.
      • buildResourceConfigTable

        protected void buildResourceConfigTable​(List<ResourceConfig> resourceConfigs)
        Build the basic ResourceConfig table from the list.
        resourceConfigs - List of ResourceConfigs.
      • addResourceConfig

        protected void addResourceConfig​(ResourceConfig config)
        Add the supplied resource configuration to this configuration's main resource configuration list.
        config - The configuration to be added.
      • addResourceConfig

        protected void addResourceConfig​(String element,
                                         ResourceConfig resourceConfig)
        Add the config for the specified element.
        element - The element to which the config is to be added.
        resourceConfig - The Object to be added.
      • sortResourceConfigs

        protected void sortResourceConfigs​(Map<String,​List<ResourceConfig>> table,
                                           ProfileSet profileSet)
        Iterate over the table smooks-resource instances and sort the ResourceConfigs on each element. Ordered by specificity.
      • extractContentHandlers

        protected void extractContentHandlers()
        Extract the ContentHandler instances from the ResourceConfig table and add them to their respective tables.
      • logExecutionEvent

        protected void logExecutionEvent​(ResourceConfig resourceConfig,
                                         String message)