Class StaticProxyInterceptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • StaticProxyInterceptor

        public StaticProxyInterceptor()
    • Method Detail

      • visitBefore

        public void visitBefore​(Element element,
                                ExecutionContext executionContext)
        Description copied from interface: BeforeVisitor
        Visits the beginning of an Element.
        Specified by:
        visitBefore in interface BeforeVisitor
        Specified by:
        visitBefore in interface DOMVisitBefore
        element - the Element representing the beginning of the fragment. The Element's ancestors are traversable unless the global configuration parameter maintain.element.stack is set to false. The Element's child nodes are not traversable.
        executionContext - the current ExecutionContext
      • visitAfter

        public void visitAfter​(Element element,
                               ExecutionContext executionContext)
        Description copied from interface: AfterVisitor
        Visits the end of an Element.
        Specified by:
        visitAfter in interface AfterVisitor
        Specified by:
        visitAfter in interface DOMVisitAfter
        element - the Element representing the end of the fragment. The Element's ancestors are traversable unless the global configuration parameter maintain.element.stack is set to false. The Element's child nodes are traversable if one of the following conditions are met:
        executionContext - the current ExecutionContext
      • visitChildText

        public void visitChildText​(CharacterData characterData,
                                   ExecutionContext executionContext)
        Description copied from interface: ChildrenVisitor
        Visits the character data of an Element. This method is invoked once for each chunk of character data. A shortcut for collecting character data is to annotate the SaxNgVisitor implementation with, or stash the character data in a TextAccumulatorMemento and restore the TextAccumulatorMemento in AfterVisitor.visitAfter(Element, ExecutionContext).
        Specified by:
        visitChildText in interface ChildrenVisitor
        characterData - the node which includes character data but not any child Elements. The Element's ancestors are traversable unless the global configuration parameter maintain.element.stack is set to false.
        executionContext - the current ExecutionContext
      • visitChildElement

        public void visitChildElement​(Element childElement,
                                      ExecutionContext executionContext)
        Description copied from interface: ChildrenVisitor
        Visits a child Element. This method is invoked once for each child Element.
        Specified by:
        visitChildElement in interface ChildrenVisitor
        childElement - the child ElementElement's ancestors are traversable unless the global configuration parameter maintain.element.stack is set to false. The Element's child nodes are not traversable.
        executionContext - the current ExecutionContext
      • onPostFragment

        public void onPostFragment​(Fragment<?> fragment,
                                   ExecutionContext executionContext)
        Description copied from interface: PostFragmentLifecycle
        Cleanup the resources allocated by this resource for the specified ExecutionContext.

        Executes the cleanup at the end of the fragment visit.

        Specified by:
        onPostFragment in interface PostFragmentLifecycle
        fragment - The fragment.
        executionContext - The ExecutionContext.
      • consumes

        public boolean consumes​(Object object)
        Description copied from interface: Consumer
        Does this consumer consume the specified named object.

        The named object would be a product of a Producer that is executing on the same element. The consumer should only return false if it knows for certain that it doesn't consumer the specified named object. If uncertain, it should error on the side of saying that it does consume the object.

        Specified by:
        consumes in interface Consumer
        object - The product representation
        True if the consumer consumes the specified product, otherwise false.
      • getProducts

        public Set<?> getProducts()
        Description copied from interface: Producer
        Get the set of products produced by this producer instance.
        Specified by:
        getProducts in interface Producer
        The set of products produced by this producer instance.
      • getMaxNodeDepth

        public int getMaxNodeDepth()
        Description copied from interface: ParameterizedVisitor
        Gets the maximum node depth this ParameterizedVisitor can accept when visiting an Element in AfterVisitor.visitAfter(Element, ExecutionContext).

        This method allows the targeted Element to emulate a DOM tree at the cost of performance. A ParameterizedVisitor with a maximum node depth of Integer.MAX_VALUE essentially means that the visited Element is a complete DOM tree.

        Specified by:
        getMaxNodeDepth in interface ParameterizedVisitor
        the maximum node depth this ParameterizedVisitor can traverse. Any value greater than 0 is valid.
      • onPreExecution

        public void onPreExecution​(ExecutionContext executionContext)
        Description copied from interface: PreExecutionLifecycle
        Initialize the resources allocated by this resource for the specified ExecutionContext.

        Executes the initialization at the start of the filter execution.

        Specified by:
        onPreExecution in interface PreExecutionLifecycle
        executionContext - The ExecutionContext.
      • onPostExecution

        public void onPostExecution​(ExecutionContext executionContext)
        Description copied from interface: PostExecutionLifecycle
        Cleanup the resources allocated by this resource for the specified ExecutionContext.

        Executes the cleanup at the end of the filter execution.

        Specified by:
        onPostExecution in interface PostExecutionLifecycle
        executionContext - The ExecutionContext.
      • bypass

        public boolean bypass​(ExecutionContext executionContext,
                              Source source,
                              Result result)
                       throws SmooksException
        Description copied from interface: FilterBypass
        Bypass the Smooks Filter process.

        If the Filter bypass was not applied, the normal Smooks Fragment Filtering process will be proceed.

        Specified by:
        bypass in interface FilterBypass
        executionContext - Smooks execution context.
        source - Filter Source.
        result - Filter Result.
        True of the bypass was applied, otherwise false.
        SmooksException - An error occurred while apply the bypass transform.