• All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XSDFACM
    extends Object
    implements XSCMValidator
    DFAContentModel is the implementation of XSCMValidator that does all of the non-trivial element content validation. This class does the conversion from the regular expression to the DFA that it then uses in its validation algorithm.
    Neil Graham, IBM
    • Constructor Detail

      • XSDFACM

        public XSDFACM​(CMNode syntaxTree,
                       int leafCount)
        Constructs a DFA content model.
        syntaxTree - The syntax tree of the content model.
        leafCount - The number of leaves.
        RuntimeException - Thrown if DFA can't be built.
    • Method Detail

      • isFinalState

        public boolean isFinalState​(int state)
        check whether the given state is one of the final states
        state - the state to check
        whether it's a final state
      • oneTransition

        public Object oneTransition​(QName curElem,
                                    int[] state,
                                    SubstitutionGroupHandler subGroupHandler)
        one transition only
        Specified by:
        oneTransition in interface XSCMValidator
        curElem - The current element's QName
        state - stack to store the previous state
        subGroupHandler - the substitution group handler
        null if transition is invalid; otherwise the Object corresponding to the XSElementDecl or XSWildcardDecl identified. Also, the state array will be modified to include the new state; this so that the validator can store it away.
        RuntimeException - thrown on error
      • startContentModel

        public int[] startContentModel()
        Description copied from interface: XSCMValidator
        This methods to be called on entering a first element whose type has this content model. It will return the initial state of the content model
        Specified by:
        startContentModel in interface XSCMValidator
        Start state of the content model
      • endContentModel

        public boolean endContentModel​(int[] state)
        Description copied from interface: XSCMValidator
        The method indicates the end of list of children
        Specified by:
        endContentModel in interface XSCMValidator
        state - Current state of the content model
        true if the last state was a valid final state
      • whatCanGoHere

        public Vector whatCanGoHere​(int[] state)
        Check which elements are valid to appear at this point. This method also works if the state is in error, in which case it returns what should have been seen.
        Specified by:
        whatCanGoHere in interface XSCMValidator
        state - the current state
        a Vector whose entries are instances of either XSWildcardDecl or XSElementDecl.
      • occurenceInfo

        public int[] occurenceInfo​(int[] state)
        Description copied from interface: XSCMValidator

        Returns an array containing information about the current repeating term or null if no occurrence counting was being performed at the current state.

        If an array is returned it will have a length == 4 and will contain:

        • a[0] :: min occurs
        • a[1] :: max occurs
        • a[2] :: current value of the counter
        • a[3] :: identifier for the repeating term

        Specified by:
        occurenceInfo in interface XSCMValidator
        state - the current state
        an array containing information about the current repeating term
      • getTermName

        public String getTermName​(int termId)
        Description copied from interface: XSCMValidator
        Returns the name of the term (element or wildcard) for the given identifier.
        Specified by:
        getTermName in interface XSCMValidator
        termId - identifier for the element declaration or wildcard
        the name of the element declaration or wildcard
      • isCompactedForUPA

        public boolean isCompactedForUPA()
        Description copied from interface: XSCMValidator
        Checks if this content model has had its min/maxOccurs values reduced for purposes of speeding up UPA. If so, this content model should not be used for any purpose other than checking unique particle attribution
        Specified by:
        isCompactedForUPA in interface XSCMValidator
        a boolean that says whether this content has been compacted for UPA