Class XMLEntityDescriptionImpl

    • Field Detail

      • fEntityName

        protected String fEntityName
        The name of the entity.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLEntityDescriptionImpl

        public XMLEntityDescriptionImpl()
        Constructs an empty entity description.
      • XMLEntityDescriptionImpl

        public XMLEntityDescriptionImpl​(String entityName,
                                        String publicId,
                                        String literalSystemId,
                                        String baseSystemId,
                                        String expandedSystemId)
        Constructs an entity description.
        entityName - The name of the entity.
        publicId - The public identifier.
        literalSystemId - The literal system identifier.
        baseSystemId - The base system identifier.
        expandedSystemId - The expanded system identifier.
      • XMLEntityDescriptionImpl

        public XMLEntityDescriptionImpl​(String entityName,
                                        String publicId,
                                        String literalSystemId,
                                        String baseSystemId,
                                        String expandedSystemId,
                                        String namespace)
        Constructs a resource identifier.
        entityName - The name of the entity.
        publicId - The public identifier.
        literalSystemId - The literal system identifier.
        baseSystemId - The base system identifier.
        expandedSystemId - The expanded system identifier.
        namespace - The namespace.
    • Method Detail

      • setEntityName

        public void setEntityName​(String name)
        Sets the name of the entity.
        Specified by:
        setEntityName in interface XMLEntityDescription
        name - the name of the entity
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String entityName,
                                   String publicId,
                                   String literalSystemId,
                                   String baseSystemId,
                                   String expandedSystemId)

        Sets the values of this entity description.

        entityName - The name of the entity.
        publicId - The public identifier.
        literalSystemId - The literal system identifier.
        baseSystemId - The base system identifier.
        expandedSystemId - The expanded system identifier.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String entityName,
                                   String publicId,
                                   String literalSystemId,
                                   String baseSystemId,
                                   String expandedSystemId,
                                   String namespace)

        Sets the values of this entity description.

        entityName - The name of the entity.
        publicId - The public identifier.
        literalSystemId - The literal system identifier.
        baseSystemId - The base system identifier.
        expandedSystemId - The expanded system identifier.
        namespace - The namespace.