Interface XPointerProcessor

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface XPointerProcessor

    The XPointerProcessor is responsible for parsing an XPointer expression and and providing scheme specific resolution of the document fragment pointed to be the pointer.

    • Method Detail

      • parseXPointer

        void parseXPointer​(String xpointer)
                    throws XNIException
        Parses an XPointer expression. It performs scheme specific processing depending on the pointer parts and sets up a Vector of XPointerParts in the order (left-to-right) they appear in the XPointer expression.
        xpointer - A String representing the xpointer expression.
        XNIException - Thrown if the xpointer string does not conform to the XPointer Framework syntax or the syntax of the pointer part does not conform to its definition for its scheme.
      • resolveXPointer

        boolean resolveXPointer​(QName element,
                                XMLAttributes attributes,
                                Augmentations augs,
                                int event)
                         throws XNIException
        Evaluates an XML resource with respect to an XPointer expressions by checking if it's element and attributes parameters match the criteria specified in the xpointer expression.
        element - - The name of the element.
        attributes - - The element attributes.
        augs - - Additional information that may include infoset augmentations
        event - - An integer indicating 0 - The start of an element 1 - The end of an element 2 - An empty element call
        true if the element was resolved by the xpointer
        XNIException - Thrown to signal an error
      • isFragmentResolved

        boolean isFragmentResolved()
                            throws XNIException
        Returns true if the XPointer expression resolves to the current resource fragment or Node which is part of the input resource being streamed else returns false.
        True if the xpointer expression matches a node/fragment in the resource else returns false.
        XNIException - Thrown to signal an error
      • isXPointerResolved

        boolean isXPointerResolved()
                            throws XNIException
        Returns true if the XPointer expression resolves any subresource of the input resource.
        True if the xpointer expression matches a fragment in the resource else returns false.
        XNIException - Thrown to signal an error