Interface XSModel

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface XSModel
    This interface represents an XML Schema.
    • Method Detail

      • getNamespaces

        StringList getNamespaces()
        Convenience method. Returns a list of all namespaces that belong to this schema. The value null is not a valid namespace name, but if there are components that do not have a target namespace , null is included in this list.
      • getNamespaceItems

        XSNamespaceItemList getNamespaceItems()
        A set of namespace schema information information items (of type XSNamespaceItem), one for each namespace name which appears as the target namespace of any schema component in the schema used for that assessment, and one for absent if any schema component in the schema had no target namespace. For more information see schema information.
      • getComponents

        XSNamedMap getComponents​(short objectType)
        Returns a list of top-level components, i.e. element declarations, attribute declarations, etc. Identity-constraint definitions are also considered top-level.
        objectType - The type of the declaration, i.e. ELEMENT_DECLARATION. Note that XSTypeDefinition.SIMPLE_TYPE and XSTypeDefinition.COMPLEX_TYPE can also be used as the objectType to retrieve only complex types or simple types, instead of all types.
        A list of top-level definitions of the specified type in objectType or an empty XSNamedMap if no such definitions exist.
      • getComponentsByNamespace

        XSNamedMap getComponentsByNamespace​(short objectType,
                                            String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns a list of top-level component declarations that are defined within the specified namespace, i.e. element declarations, attribute declarations, etc. Identity-constraint definitions are also considered top-level.
        objectType - The type of the declaration, i.e. ELEMENT_DECLARATION.
        namespace - The namespace to which the declaration belongs or null (for components with no target namespace).
        A list of top-level definitions of the specified type in objectType and defined in the specified namespace or an empty XSNamedMap.
      • getAnnotations

        XSObjectList getAnnotations()
        [annotations]: a set of annotations if it exists, otherwise an empty XSObjectList.
      • getElementDeclaration

        XSElementDeclaration getElementDeclaration​(String name,
                                                   String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns a top-level element declaration.
        name - The name of the declaration.
        namespace - The namespace of the declaration, otherwise null.
        A top-level element declaration or null if such a declaration does not exist.
      • getAttributeDeclaration

        XSAttributeDeclaration getAttributeDeclaration​(String name,
                                                       String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns a top-level attribute declaration.
        name - The name of the declaration.
        namespace - The namespace of the declaration, otherwise null.
        A top-level attribute declaration or null if such a declaration does not exist.
      • getTypeDefinition

        XSTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition​(String name,
                                           String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns a top-level simple or complex type definition.
        name - The name of the definition.
        namespace - The namespace of the declaration, otherwise null.
        An XSTypeDefinition or null if such a definition does not exist.
      • getAttributeGroup

        XSAttributeGroupDefinition getAttributeGroup​(String name,
                                                     String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns a top-level attribute group definition.
        name - The name of the definition.
        namespace - The namespace of the definition, otherwise null.
        A top-level attribute group definition or null if such a definition does not exist.
      • getModelGroupDefinition

        XSModelGroupDefinition getModelGroupDefinition​(String name,
                                                       String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns a top-level model group definition.
        name - The name of the definition.
        namespace - The namespace of the definition, otherwise null.
        A top-level model group definition or null if such a definition does not exist.
      • getNotationDeclaration

        XSNotationDeclaration getNotationDeclaration​(String name,
                                                     String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns a top-level notation declaration.
        name - The name of the declaration.
        namespace - The namespace of the declaration, otherwise null.
        A top-level notation declaration or null if such a declaration does not exist.
      • getIDCDefinition

        XSIDCDefinition getIDCDefinition​(String name,
                                         String namespace)
        Convenience method. Returns an identity-constraint definition.
        name - The name of the definition.
        namespace - The namespace of the definition, otherwise null.
        An identity-constraint definition or null if such a declaration does not exist.
      • getSubstitutionGroup

        XSObjectList getSubstitutionGroup​(XSElementDeclaration head)
        Convenience method. Returns a list containing the members of the substitution group for the given XSElementDeclaration or an empty XSObjectList if the substitution group contains no members.
        head - The substitution group head.
        A list containing the members of the substitution group for the given XSElementDeclaration or an empty XSObjectList if the substitution group contains no members.