Interface XSValue

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface XSValue
    Represents an actual value of a simple type.
    • Method Detail

      • getNormalizedValue

        String getNormalizedValue()
        The schema normalized value.
      • getActualValue

        Object getActualValue()
        The actual value. null if the value is in error.
      • getTypeDefinition

        XSSimpleTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition()
        The declared simple type definition used to validate this value. It can be a union type.
      • getMemberTypeDefinition

        XSSimpleTypeDefinition getMemberTypeDefinition()
        If the declared simple type definition is a union, return the member type actually used to validate the value. Otherwise null.
      • getMemberTypeDefinitions

        XSObjectList getMemberTypeDefinitions()
        If getTypeDefinition() returns a list type whose item type is a union type, then this method returns a list with the same length as the value list, for simple types that actually validated the corresponding item in the value.
      • getActualValueType

        short getActualValueType()
        The actual value built-in datatype, e.g. STRING_DT, SHORT_DT. If the type definition of this value is a list type definition, this method returns LIST_DT. If the type definition of this value is a list type definition whose item type is a union type definition, this method returns LISTOFUNION_DT. To query the actual value of the list or list of union type definitions use itemValueTypes().
      • getListValueTypes

        ShortList getListValueTypes()
        In the case the actual value represents a list, i.e. the actualNormalizedValueType is LIST_DT, the returned array consists of one type kind which represents the itemType . For example:
         <simpleType name="listtype"> <list 
         itemType="positiveInteger"/> </simpleType> <element 
         name="list" type="listtype"/> ... <list>1 2 3</list> 
        The schemaNormalizedValue value is "1 2 3", the actualNormalizedValueType value is LIST_DT, and the itemValueTypes is an array of size 1 with the value POSITIVEINTEGER_DT.
        If the actual value represents a list type definition whose item type is a union type definition, i.e. LISTOFUNION_DT, for each actual value in the list the array contains the corresponding memberType kind. For example:
         name='union_type' memberTypes="integer string"/> <simpleType 
         name='listOfUnion'> <list itemType='union_type'/> 
         </simpleType> <element name="list" type="listOfUnion"/> 
         ... <list>1 2 foo</list> 
        The schemaNormalizedValue value is "1 2 foo", the actualNormalizedValueType is LISTOFUNION_DT , and the itemValueTypes is an array of size 3 with the following values: INTEGER_DT, INTEGER_DT, STRING_DT.