Class BasicParserConfiguration

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    XMLComponentManager, XMLParserConfiguration
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    DTDConfiguration, NonValidatingConfiguration, SchemaParsingConfig

    public abstract class BasicParserConfiguration
    extends ParserConfigurationSettings
    implements XMLParserConfiguration
    A very basic parser configuration. This configuration class can be used as a base class for custom parser configurations. The basic parser configuration creates the symbol table (if not specified at construction time) and manages all of the recognized features and properties.

    The basic parser configuration does not mandate any particular pipeline configuration or the use of specific components except for the symbol table. If even this is too much for a basic parser configuration, the programmer can create a new configuration class that implements the XMLParserConfiguration interface.

    Subclasses of the basic parser configuration can add their own recognized features and properties by calling the addRecognizedFeature and addRecognizedProperty methods, respectively.

    The basic parser configuration assumes that the configuration will be made up of various parser components that implement the XMLComponent interface. If subclasses of this configuration create their own components for use in the parser configuration, then each component should be added to the list of components by calling the addComponent method. The basic parser configuration will make sure to call the reset method of each registered component before parsing an instance document.

    This class recognizes the following features and properties:

    • Features
    • Properties
    Arnaud Le Hors, IBM, Andy Clark, IBM